Devin Udy

Devin The Dev

Front End Developer


About Me

Currently studying Computer Science at Salt Lake Community College. Motivated Web Developer with 2 years of technical experience from building and troubleshooting web applications. Recognized as a hard worker and top performer by upper management. Earned a Web Development Credential from CodeCademy, and a Web Development Certificate from The University of Utah's Coding Bootcamp.

Close up of code


Front End

  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Bootstrap
  • Bash
  • Git
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • React

Back End

  • PHP
  • Node
  • AJAX
  • NPM
  • RESTful APIs
  • MySQL
  • Java


Below are some projects I've done for companies or personally.

Click on the pictures to view the webpages.

All links/pictures below open a new window.

Work Experience

MyMedic is an Emergency First Aid Kit company. I did HTML work on their first aid kits.

Julie and I are members of Codingphase ASAP Development Group. She had issues regarding her web development portfolio and was willing to pay. I fixed her portfolio and left notes for her so she may continue improving her skills.

Personal Projects

Oh My Keto! is a web page for users to submit and search ketogenic recipes. This was built in collaboration with John Filiaga and Ryan Nguyen.

Barbershop is a website I built for fun. I like to take care of myself and wanted to build a website that reflects that.

Robofriends was built with React.js. It filters through a sample of 10 robots.

Online Presence